

单词 Abduction
释义 拐帶
The unlawful removal of a person from his or her home environment. Abduction of a child or juvenile is an offence: Protection of Children and Juveniles Ordinance (Cap 213) s 26. It is also an offence to abduct an under age unmarried girl: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) ss 126 - 128. With the increasing problems associated with international child abduction, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was signed in 1980. The Convention was given effect to by the Child Abduction and Custody Ordinance (Cap 512) on 5 September 1997. The relevant rule governing the procedure under the Ordinance is the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 121. The main objective of the convention is to ensure uniform and speedy return of an abducted child: S v S [1998] 2 HKC 316 (CFI). The essential mischief which the Convention is designed to counter is the removal of a child from his or her natural environment, that is, the family and social environment of the country in which the child’s life has developed or is developing: N v O (Child Abduction) [1998] 4 HKC 574 (CFI). See also Child; Convention country; Residence.
把一個人從他/她的居所非法帶走。拐帶兒童或少年,即屬犯罪:《保護兒童及少年條例》(第213章)第26條。拐帶未成年未婚女童,亦即屬犯罪:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第126至128條。與國際擄拐兒童有關的問題不斷上升,《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》已於1980年簽署。該公約藉1997年9月25日頒佈的《擄拐和管養兒童條例》(第512章)得以在香港施行。《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第121命令落實該條例中的程序。該公約的主要目的是保證以劃一及迅速方法遣返被擄拐的兒童:S v S [1998] 2 HKC 316(高等法院原訴庭)。訂立該公約旨在打擊犯罪者把孩童從他/她的成長環境(孩童在本身國家一直以來過生活所面對的家庭及社交環境)擄拐:N v O (Child Abduction) [1998] 4 HKC 574(高等法院原訴庭)。另見 Child; Convention country; Residence。n.




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