

单词 Alliance
释义 聯盟
1. Generally, any union of parties having common goals or objectives. 2. An association between states for the mutual waging of war. It may be offensive or defensive, and is usually made by treaty or by league. It is unlikely that Hong Kong is able to enter into any alliance on its own with a foreign state since it invariably falls within the area of foreign affairs or defence which is the responsibility of the Central People’s Government and therefore outside its autonomy (Basic Law arts 13, 14), unless it somehow falls within the category of external affairs which Hong Kong is given power to conduct on its own: Basic Law ch III. See also Alignment; Basic Law; Bloc.
1.一般來說,有共同目的或目標的人或組織的任何連結。 2.為了互相支持作戰的國家作出的結盟。可以是為了開戰,或是為了防守,通常透過條約或盟友形式結盟。香港不大可能獨自與任向外國結盟,因為外交或防衛事務屬於中央人民政府管轄範圍,而非自治範圍(《基本法》第13及14條),除非屬香港有權自己處理的對外事務範圍以內:《基本法》第3章。另見 Alignment; Basic Law; Bloc。n.




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