

单词 Allegiance
释义 效忠/忠誠
The obligation of obedience owed by a subject to the sovereign authority of the state in return for the protection of the sovereign. Breach of allegiance is the basis of treason. Traditionally, there are four types of allegiance: natural, local, acquired and legal: Calvin’s case (1609) 7 Co Rep 1. The Chief Executive, principal officials, members of Legislative Council and Executive Council, and judges have to swear allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and serve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region conscientiously, dutifully, in full accordance with the law, honestly and with integrity: Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap 11) sch 2; Basic Law art 104; Decision of the NPC on the Method for the Formation of First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR (Cap 2202) art 6. See also Affirmation of allegiance; Legal allegiance; Natural allegiance; Oath of allegiance; Treason.
為了得到主權國保護,人民對主權國服從的義務。違反忠誠是叛國罪的基礎。傳統上有四類忠誠:自然的、本土的、後天的和法律的:Calvin case (1609) 7 Co Rep 4b。行政長官、主要官員、立法會及行政會議成員和法官,須對中華人民共和國香港特別行政區宣誓效忠,盡忠職守、遵守法律、廉潔奉公,為香港特別行政區服務:《宣誓及聲名條例》(第11章)附表2;《基本法》第104條;《全國人大常委會就香港特區第一屆政府及立法會的組成方法的決定》(第2202章)第6條。另見 Affirmation of allegiance; Legal allegiance; Natural allegiance; Oath of allegiance; Treason。n.




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