

单词 Abnormality of mind
释义 神志失常
This is a defence to a charge of murder, if the defendant is insane, he is not to be responsible according to law and the jury shall return a special verdict that the accused person is not guilty by reason of insanity: Homicide Ordinance (Cap 339) s 3(1). The abnormality has to impair the accused’s use of mind to a substantial degree: R v Ho Wai Leung [1977-1979] HKC 42 (CA). The courts have given the words abnormality of mind a very broad meaning, wide enough to embrace not only cases of irresistible impulse, but also those cases in which the difficulty of the defendant in controlling (or rather failing to control) his behaviour was substantially greater than would be experienced in like circumstances by an ordinary man, not suffering from mental abnormality: Luc Thiet Thuan v R [1996] 1 HKC 663 (PC). The prosecution may adduce rebuttal evidence at any stage as directed by the court: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 76A. See also Diminished responsibility; Disease of the mind; Manslaughter.
神志失常是謀殺罪名的抗辯理由,如被控人精神錯亂,他/她根據法律規定無需負責,而陪審團應作出特別裁決,宣布被控人由於他/她精神錯亂而無罪:《殺人罪行條例》(第339章) 第3(1)條。神志失常的程度須是實質地損害被控人的精神狀況:R v Ho Wai Leung [1977-1979] HKC 42 (上訴法庭)。 法庭給予「神志失常」非常廣泛的涵義,其廣泛程度不僅足以包括不可抑制的衝動的情況,亦包括被控人難以控制(或未能控制)其行為的程度,是較沒有神志失常的普通人在類似的情況會經歷的更困難的情況:Luc Thiet Thuan v R [1996] 1 HKC 663 (樞密院)。控方在任何階段,可在法庭指示的情況下,援引反駁的證據:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第 76A條。另見 Diminished responsibility; Disease of the mind; Manslaughter。




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