

单词 Trading limits clause
释义 交易限額條款
 A clause originating in and belonging to pure time charters, and imposing a limit or restriction on the geographical range of the voyages on which the charterer is free to send the ship and excluding him from certain areas. That is the fundamental distinction from a voyage charter, which ipso facto defines the geographical employment of the ship: Temple Steamship Co Ltd v V/O Sovfracht (1944) 77 Ll L Rep 257. The master may refuse the charterer’s order to proceed outside the trading limits, which is a breach of the terms of the charterparty: The Sussex Oak (1950) 83 Ll L Rep 297. However, the parties may agree to proceed outside the trading limits upon payment of extra premium, but this does not release the charterers from the safe port warranty: The Helen Miller [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 95. See also Charterparty; Safe port; Vessel.
源於及屬於按時間計費的租賃合約的條款,並對租船人可自由派遣船隻的航程地域加諸限制,或禁制租船人進入若干範圍。這是與按航程計費的租賃合約(因此事實界定船的地域受僱工作)的基本區別:Temple Steamship Co Ltd v V/O Sovfracht (1944) 77 Ll L Rep 257。有關的船長可拒絕執行由租船人發出,有關在交易限額以外繼續進行的命令(該命令違反租船合約條款):The Sussex Oak (1950) 83 Ll L Rep 297。但有關的當事人可同意一旦繳付額外費用,則可在交易限額以外的情況下繼續進行,但此舉並不會解除租船人安全港口的保證:The Helen Miller [1980] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 95。另見 Charterparty; Safe port; Vessel。




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