

单词 Trade libel
释义 商業誹謗

A tort available to a trader where false and disparaging statements are made which injure the trader in the course of his or her trade, the trader having to establish that the false statements were made with malice and that there had been damage; allegation or proof of special damage is not necessary: Defamation Ordinance (Cap 21) ss 23, 24. Trade libel is otherwise referred to as ‘injurious falsehood’, ‘slander of goods’, and ‘slander of title’. See also Injurious falsehood; Slander of goods; Slander of title.
可供買賣商提起訴訟的侵權法。如作出的虛假及具貶低性質的陳述在有關買賣商從事其業務時使該買賣商蒙受損失,則該買賣商在證明有關的虛假陳述是在惡意的情況下出作並導致損害時,不必指稱或證明特殊損害:《誹謗條例》(第21章)第23及24條。商業誹謗另稱具傷害性的虛假、貨品誹謗、所有權誹謗。另見 Injurious falsehood; Slander of goods; Slander of title。





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