

单词 Beneficial owner
释义 實益擁有人
A person who enjoys or is entitled to the benefit of property. The consequences of beneficial ownership vary according to the kind of property beneficially owned.
Corporation - A person recognised in equity as the owner of shares, but not holding the legal title of shares because the shares are registered in the name of another person. It includes any person having complete control over the deposition of property: Rodwell Securities Ltd v Inland Revenue Cmrs [1968] 1 All ER 257. Beneficial ownership of shares can be achieved by the legal owner executing a Declaration of Trust in favour of the beneficial owner. Beneficial ownership of shares in a listed company can be traced by the Securities and Futures Commission if a person has a notifiable interest in shares, he should be under a duty to make disclosure of such interest: Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) s 311. See also Beneficial ownership; Relevant interest; Share; Takeover.
Real property - The holder of a beneficial interest in real property. A beneficial owner may or may not also hold the legal interest in the property. A beneficial owner who also holds the legal estate does not hold two estates (a legal and an equitable estate), but only the legal estate, with all rights and incidents attached to that estate: DKLR Holding Co (No 2) Pty Ltd v Cmr of Stamp Duties [1980] 1 NSWLR 510. Where a vendor assigns the property as beneficial owner, certain covenants are implied, namely, the Government lease is good, valid and subsisting, and the premium or other money (if any) and the Government rent payable have been paid up to the assignment, the covenant, terms and conditions contained in the Government lease and any deed of mutual covenant have been observed and performed up to the assignment: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 35(1)(b), sch 1 pt II. See also Bare legal estate; Beneficial interest; Equitable estate; Legal interest.
法團 -   一人在衡平法權益上被認可為股權擁有人,但沒有法定所有權,因為股權是以別人的名義登記。包括任何在產權處置上有完全控制權的人:Rodwell Securities Ltd v. Inland Revenue Cmrs[1968] All ER 257。可藉法律上的擁有人簽立有利於實益擁有人的信托聲明書,以達致股權上的實益擁有權。如一人在股權上有須具報的權益,證監會可追查上市公司的股權實益擁有權,有關人士應有責任披露有關的權益。。另見 Beneficial ownership; Relevant interest; Share; Takeover。
土地財產 -   土地財產的實益權益持有人。實益擁有可以或不可以同時持有財產的法律上的權益。同時持有法律上的產權的實益擁有人並不會持有兩項產權(法律上的及衡平法上的產權),但只持有法律上的產權,包括依附於有關產權的所有權利和附帶事項:DKLR Holding Co (No 2) Pty Ltd v Cmr of Stamp Duties [1980] 1 NSWLR 510。如賣方以實益擁有人身分轉讓物業,則會隱含若干業權契諾,包括:政府租契是妥善、有效及仍然存續的;須繳付的額外費用或其他款項(如有的話)以及地稅,已獲繳付;及載於政府租契及任何公契內的契諾、條款及條件,已獲遵守及履行:《物業轉易條例》(第219章)第35(1)(b)條,附件一第二部。




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