

单词 Benjamin Order
释义 本傑明命令/受益人失蹤令
In succession, an order by the court for the distribution of property of a deceased when it is uncertain whether or not a specified beneficiary is alive, or available in cases of a beneficiary who is missing or presumed dead. By the Order, the personal representative is authorised to distribute the property on the basis that the beneficiary is dead, with protection from suit if that beneficiary proves to be alive and entitled: Re Benjamin; Neville v Benjamin [1902] 1 Ch 723; Re Green’s Will Trusts, Fitzgerald-Hart & Anor v A-G & Ors [1985] 3 All ER 455; Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) ss 60, 61. The Benjamin Order leaves open the possibility that the beneficiary might return and if that occurs after distribution, the beneficiary may trace the property and proceed against the person wrongly paid or to gain the property itself: Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) s 67. See also Death; Presumption of death.
在繼承法下,如不能確定指明的受益人是否在生,或在指定受益人失蹤或推定死亡的的案件,法庭可頒佈命令授權分配死者的財產。基於指明的受益人已死,遺產代理人可藉此令獲授權分配有關的財產,但如日後証實該受益人仍在生及享有有關財產的權利,則該受益人受到法律保障可提出訴訟:Re Benjamin; Neville v. Benjamin [1902] 1 Ch 723; Re Green’s Will Trusts [1985] 3 All ER 455;《信託條例》(第29章第60及 61條)。如指明的受益人在分配財產後才出現,本傑明命令/受益人失蹤令准予有關的受益人追查已分配財產的下落,並向錯誤獲取得益的人予以起訴或由自己獲取有關的財產:《遺囑認證及遺產管埋條例》(第10章第67條)。另見 Death; Presumption of death。




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