

单词 Economic costs
释义 經濟成本
Costs falling into three categories: explicit costs in respect of which an actual financial liability is incurred, that is the accounting costs of running a business; implicit costs, being the costs of using resources already at the disposal of the company by way of funds and labour and costs in the form of lost opportunities to use resources, including time, in another way; and external costs or societal costs. See also Costs of production; Opportunity cost.
成本分為三個類別:第一類是招致實際財務責任的明示成本,即經營業務的會計成本;第二類是隱含成本,指通過資金、勞動的方式、並以已喪失機會的形式以另一種方法使用資源(包括時間在內)的成本處置已經被公司使用的資源的成本;;第三類是外部成本或社會成本。另見 Costs of production; Opportunity cost。




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