

单词 Economic loss
释义 經濟損失
Injury to person or property resulting in immediate or subsequent detriment to a person’s income or wealth. In negligence, loss falling into one of two categories. ‘Consequential economic loss’ results from negligently caused personal injury or property damage suffered by a person. ‘Pure economic loss’ is loss unaccompanied by personal injury or property damage: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 25, Tort [380.1037]. The former type of loss has generally been readily recoverable. The latter type may be recoverable in certain situations, for example, where it is truly consequent upon injury to the person or damage to the plaintiff’s property: Marc Rich & Co AG v Bishop Rock Marine Co (Contractors) Ltd, the Nicholas H [1995] 3 All ER 307, [1996] 1 AC 211 (HL). See also Causation; Pure economic loss.
對人或財產的傷害,導致某人的收入或財富受直接或日後的損害。就疏忽而言,損失分為兩類。由疏忽導致的人身傷害或財產損毀產生的「相應的經濟損失」;「純粹經濟損失」則指沒有涉及人身傷害或財產損毀的損失:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第25冊,侵權,第 [380.1037]段。「相應的經濟損失」一般是可予追討的。「純粹經濟損失」在某些情況下則可予追討,例如該等損失確實是由人身傷害或原告人的財產損失造成:Marc Rich & Co AG v Bishop Rock Marine Co (Contractors) Ltd, the Nicholas H [1995] 3 All ER 307, [1996] 1 AC 211 (上議院)。另見 Causation; Pure economic loss。




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