

单词 Insurable value
释义 可保價值
1. The maximum amount payable by the insurer upon the loss of, or damage to, to the subject matter of the insurance. In a valued policy, the agreed value of the subject matter insured, in the absence of fraud, is conclusive of its insurable value: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 27(3). 2. In marine insurance law, subject to any express provision or valuation in the policy, the insurable value of a ship, is at the commencement of the risk of the ship, including her outfit, provisions and stores for the officers and crew, money advanced for seamen’s wages and other disbursements plus the charges of insurance as a whole: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 16(a). Generally, insurable value of the subject matter insured is relevant in determining the measure of indemnity in the case of an unvalued policy and in the case of a valued policy where the valuation is not conclusive or has to be apportioned: ss 27-29, 68, 71-72, of indemnity. See also Unvalued policy.
1. 由保險人就保險的標的事項的損失或損壞所付出最高金額的金錢。在定值保單上,受保標的物的協定價值,並在無詐騙的情況下,對擬投保之標的之可保價值,即作定論:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第27(3)條。  2. 除保單的任何明訂條文另有規定或保單另作估值外,船舶的可保價值是風險開始時船舶的價值,其中包括船舶裝備、為高級人員及船員而設的供應品及物料、為海員薪酬而預付的款項、為使船舶適宜作保單所預計的航程或冒險而招致的其他支出,並加上就以上一切而支付的保險費用:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第16(a)條。一般而言,標的事項的可保價值與就不定值保單而決定彌償限度及就定值保單估值不須作出定論或須作拆分:第27至29、68及71至72條。另見 Unvalued policy。




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