

单词 Primary industry
释义 主要工業
1. In its widest sense, all types of agricultural, pastoral, mining and quarrying activities. The term is often related to forestry and fishing. 2. Any field of endeavour whose objective is the production of agricultural or other primary produce or the extraction from the environment of minerals, substances from which energy is made available, energy or the conservation and the sustainable use of a natural resource. 3. In common usage, the expression secondary industry appears to be used in contradistinction to primary industry, the latter being associated with the winning of raw materials from the soil and the sea: Davey v Brightlite Nominees Pty Ltd [1984] VR 957.

1. 就最廣泛的含義而言,所有的農,畜牧,開礦及採石活動。此詞亦包括林業及捕漁業。2. 任何活動領域其目的為生產農業或其他主要產物,或由礦物的環境採掘可製造能源的物質,能源或節約地及可持續地使用天然資源。3. 一般用法,第二工業一詞乃為對比主要工業使用,後者與自泥土及海洋取得的原材料有關:Davey v Brightlite Nominees Pty Ltd [1984] VR 957。





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