

单词 Triad ritual
释义 三合會儀式
Any ritual commonly used by triad societies, any ritual closely resembling any such ritual and any part of any such ritual: Societies Ordinance (Cap 151) s 2. Every society which uses any triad ritual or which adopts or makes use of any triad title or nomenclature shall be deemed to be a triad society: s 18(3). It includes triad poetry and acts of a ritual character. Some triad societies may admit new members, who must first be nominated by an office-bearer, and then undergo the full triad initiation ceremony. Similarly, a promotion candidate is vetted by a board of senior officials before being admitted to the ritual promotion ceremony: A-G v Lee Chi-man [1980] HKLR 483. See also Triad society.
三合會社團普遍採用的任何儀式、與該等儀式十分相似的任何儀式以及該等儀式的任何部分:《社團條例》(第151章)第2條。凡使用任何三合會儀式,或採用或使用任何三合會名銜或術語的社團,均當作為三合會社團:第18(3)條。三合會儀式包括三合會的詩篇及具儀式性質的作為。有些三合會社團可收納新社員,該社員必須先由幹事提名,及後接受正式的三合會入會儀式。獲晉升的社員同樣地會於晉升儀式前,由資歷高的全體幹事審查:A-G v Lee Chi-man [1980] HKLR 483。另見 Triad society。




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