

单词 Falsify
释义 偽造
Making false in any way. An instruction is false if it has been i) made in the form in which it is made by a person who did not in fact make it in that form; ii) made in the form in which it is made on the authority of a person who did not in fact authorise it making in that form; iii) made in the terms in which it is made by a person who did not in fact make in those terms; iv) made in the terms in which it is made on the authority of a person who did not in fact authorise its making on those terms; v) altered in any respect by a person who did not in fact alter it in that respect; vi) altered in any respect on the authority of any person who did not in fact authorise its alteration in that respect; vii) made or altered on a date on which or place at which or otherwise in circumstances in which it was not in fact made or altered; or viii) made or altered by an existing person but he did not in fact exist: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 69. A person who dishonestly falsifies any account, record or document made or required for any accounting purpose commits an offence of false accounting: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 9. See also False Accounting; Fraud.
以任何方式製造虛假的項目。任何文書如有以下情況,即屬虛假:(i) 該文書是以某式樣製成,並看來是由某人以該式樣製造,但事實上該人並無以該式樣製造該文書;(ii) 該文書是以某式樣製成,並看來是獲某人授權以該式樣製造,但事實上該人並無授權以該式樣製造該文書;(iii) 該文書是按某些條款製成,並看來是由某人按該等條款製造,但事實上該人並無按該等條款製造該文書;(iv) 該文書是按某些條款製成,並看來是獲某人授權按該等條款製造,但事實上該人並無授權按該等條款製造該文書;(v) 該文書看來曾由某人在某方面予以更改,但事實上該人並無在該方面予以更改;(vi) 該文書看來是獲某人授權在某方面予以更改,但事實上該人並無授權在該方面予以更改;(vii) 該文書看來是在某日期、某地方或在某些情況下製造或更改,但事實上並非在該日該地方或在該等情況下製造或更改;或(viii) 該文書看來是由一名存在的人製造或更改,但事實上該人並不存在:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第69條。任何人如不誠實地偽造任何帳目、為會計用途而製備或所需的紀錄或文件,即屬觸犯偽造帳目:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第19條。另見 False Accounting; Fraud。v.




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