

单词 Jury ballot
释义 抽籤決定陪審團人選
The process by which the members of the jury for a particular trial are selected from the whole panel summoned by the Registrar. The Registrar shall cause numbers corresponding to the names of all the jurors summoned to form a panel to be printed on separate cards of equal size and put in a box, and he or the clerk of the court shall, in open court, draw therefrom until a jury is obtained: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 21. In all criminal trials, the jury, if any, shall consist of seven persons except where the court or the judge orders that the jury shall consist of nine persons: s 3. The ballot is performed in the court in the presence of the accused. Where there is any challenge to a juror selected, further jurors are chosen by ballot until the required number of jurors are selected. See also Challenge to juror; Jury panel.
在某特定的審訊中,由司法常務官召集的整體陪審員中選擇陪審團成員的程序。司法常務官須安排將與被傳召以組成小組的所有陪審員的姓名相應的號碼,分別印在相同尺寸的卡紙上,並放入箱內,而司法常務官或法庭書記主任須在公開法庭從箱內抽出號碼,直至組成一個陪審團為止:《陪審團條例》 (第3章)第21條。在所有刑事審訊中,陪審團(如有的話)須由7人組成,但如法庭或法官命令該陪審團須由9人組成,則屬例外:第3條。抽籤是在被告人在場的情況下方可舉行。如反對任何被選出的陪審員出任陪審員,即繼續抽籤選出陪審員,直至達到所需的陪審員數目為止。另見 Challenge to juror; Jury panel。




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