

单词 Premium issue
释义 溢價發行
The issue of shares where subscribers have paid, or are contractually obliged to provide, consideration which exceeds the nominal (par) value of the shares: Niemann v Smedley [1973] VR 769. The premium is the amount in excess of the nominal value of the share. The premium is regarded almost as if it is part of the paid up capital. Where a company issues shares for which it receives a premium, whether in cash or in the form of other valuable consideration, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of the premiums must be transferred to an account called the ‘share premium account’: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 48B(1). The provisions of the Companies Ordinance relating to the reduction of the share capital of a company apply as if the share premium account were paid-up share capital of the company: s 58(1A). See also Share premium account.
認股人已付或合約上必須支付的發行股票 , 代價超逾股票的名義票面價值: Niemann v Smedley [1973] VR 769。 溢價是超逾股票名義價值的款額。溢價被視為差不多已是繳足股本的一部份。凡一間公司可發出股票並從中收到溢價, 無論是現金或其他形式的有價值代價, 一筆等於溢價集合的款額必須轉移到稱為‘股票溢價賬戶’的戶口 :《公司條例》(第32章)第48B(1)條。有關減少公司股本的公司條例適用,會視股票溢價賬目如公司的繳足股本:第58(1A)條。另見 Share premium account.




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