

单词 Bestiality
释义 獸交
In criminal law, the common law and statutory offence of sexual penetration by or with an animal. A person who commits buggery with an animal is guilty of bestiality, which involves an inter-species sexual assault, an immediate custodial sentence is called for in the Hong Kong SAR: HKSAR v Wong Pak Kau [2000] 2 HKC 310 (MC); Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 118L. The offence may be committed by either a man or woman. Anal penetration may not be essential: R v Bourne (1952) 36 Cr App Rep 125 (CCA). See also Sodomy.
指刑法中,由動物或與動物作出性交的普通法及法定罪行。任何人與動物作出違反自然性交,即屬犯獸交的罪行(牽涉不同種類之間的性侵犯),在香港特別行政區身須因此而受到即時的囚禁刑罰:sentence is called for in the Hong Kong SAR: HKSAR v Wong Pak Kau [2000] 2 HKC 310(裁判法院); 《刑事罪行條例》(第200章) 第118L條。男性或女性均可犯此等罪行。進入肛門並非必要的元素:R v Bourne (1952) 36 Cr App Rep 125 (刑事上訴法院)。另見 Sodomy。n.




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