

单词 General grant
释义 一般授予
A grant of probate or administration that is not limited as to time, property, or purpose, and which authorises full administration of the whole estate of the deceased. More than one general grant may be issued in the same estate in the case of the concurrent operation of a double probate or the successive operation of a cessate grant. See also Cessate grant; Double probate; Limited grant.
不受時間、財產或用途限制,以及授權為死者全部遺產作全面管理的遺囑認證授予或遺產管理授予。在雙重遺囑認證同時實施或終止授予書連續實施的情況下,可就相同的遺產發出多於一項一般授予。Cessate grant; Double probate; Limited grant。




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