

单词 Best title
释义 最佳所有權
1. The most complete title over a chattel. The person with the best title over a chattel is considered the owner of the goods, and therefore enjoys full rights of possession and enjoyment: Foulds v Willoughby (1841) 8 M & W 540, 151 ER 1153. Possession is prima facie evidence of title: The Winkfield [1902] P 42. Where two persons claim possession, the title of the one who can prove the right to possession prevails: Ramsay v Margrett [1894] 2 QB 18 (CA). 2. In the context of conveyancing, there may exist a provision that the purchaser is to accept the ‘best title’ that the vendor can give. However, this does not take away the purchaser’s right to insist on having the deeds handed over on completion: Re Duthy and Jesson’s Contract [1898] 1 Ch 419.
1. 實產最完整的所有權。具有實產最佳所有權的人被視為有關貨品的擁有人,因此享有完全的管有權及享用權:Foulds v Willoughby (1841) 8 M & W 540, 151 ER 1153。管有權是所有權的表面證據:The Winklefield [1902] P 42。如兩人申索管有權,可證明享有管有權的人的權利凌駕於他人的權利之上:Ramsay v Margrett [1894] 2 QB 18(英國上訴法院)。  2. 在物業轉易方面,合約中可訂明買方會接受賣方可給予的「最佳所有權」。但這不會剝奪買方堅持於完成交易時交接契據的權利:Re Duthy and Jesson’s Contract [1898] 1 Ch 419。




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