

单词 Race
释义 種族
1.A group of people who regard themselves as having a particular historical identity in terms of their colour, or their racial, national or ethnic origins: King-Ansell v Police [1979] 2 NZLR 531. 2. A competition in which the fastest competitor wins.
Civil and political rights - It includes colour, descent, national or ethnic origin. All forms of racial discrimination are contrary to international law: International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1966 art 5; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 art 2(1); International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966 art 2(2). See also Racial discrimination.
Entertainment, sport and tourism - A contest or event in which at least two participants compete against each other in a test of speed over a certain distance or a period of time, or for the contingency of being able to place a bet on its outcome. It is an offence to promote or take part in a race between vehicles or between persons, or any other form of competition on any road involving vehicles or pedestrians without the consent in writing of the Commissioner of Police or in contravention of any condition imposed on the granting of such consent: Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) s 55(1)(a), (b), (c). Sufficient proof of racing may be found in a clear element of competition between drivers in proximity to each other, speeding, and attempting to overtake: R v Chan Chin Pang [1991] 2 HKC 378. Other relevant factors include time, location, type of vehicles and whether adapted for higher speeds. See also Betting; Race meeting; Racing venue; Sport.
1.就其膚色、國族或人種本源認為自己有特殊歷史身份的一群:King-Ansell v Police [1979] 2 NZLR 531。 2. 最快完成比賽的的參與選手獲勝。
公民及政治權利 -   包括膚色、世系、國族或人種本源。任何形式的種族歧視均違反國際法:《1966年消除一切形式種族歧視國際公約》第5條;《1966年公民權利和政治權利國際公約》第2(1)條;《1966年經濟、社會和文化權利國際公約》第2(2)條。另見 Racial discrimination。
娛樂、運動及旅遊業 -   在若干距離或時段上的速度考驗,最少有兩位參加者互相競爭的競賽或比賽項目, 或以不確定的方式可在賽果上下賭注。凡在沒有得到警務處處長的書面同意或違反在批給該同意下施加的任何條件條件下,推廣或參與車輛或人之間的競賽或於任何道路上牽涉車輛或行人的任何其他方式的比賽, 即屬罪行:《道路交通條例》(第374章)第55 (1)(a)、(b)及(c)條。從司機之間的近距離,超速駕駛及企圖超車的清晰比賽元素,可找到充分競賽的證明:R v Chan Chin Pang [1991] 2 HKC 378。其他有關的因素包括時間、地點、車輛種類及車輛是否有高速設備的改裝。另見 Betting; Race meeting; Racing venue; Sport。n.




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