

单词 Corporate trustee
释义 法團受託人
A trustee which is a corporate body. It is also named ‘trust corporation’, which means a corporation appointed by the court in any particular case to be a trustee (if authorised by its constitution to act as trustee) or any trust company registered: Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 2. For instance, a trustee company of a bank, Public Trustee, Treasury Solicitor, Official Solicitor, custodian trustees and certain charitable corporations. It is one of the three types of trustees apart from professionally qualified trustee and non-professional unpaid trustee. Trust corporations must exercise a high standard of diligence and knowledge since they hold themselves out as capable of providing an expertise as trustees: Bartlett v Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd (No 1) [1980] 1 All ER 139, 2 WLR 430. A trust corporation can give receipts for capital money alone and acts as a sole trustee for settled land interests. See also Trustee; Trustee corporation.
為一法團組織的受託人。此類受托人亦被稱為「信託法團」,指法院在某個案中委任為受託人的法團﹝如法團的章程准許其作為受託人者﹞或註冊的任何信託公司:《受託人條例》(第29章)第2 條。舉例說,銀行的信託公司、公眾受託人、財政管理律師、法定代表律師、保管受託人,以及一些慈善法團。法團受託人是除具有專業資格的受託人及無酬的非專業受託人之外,三種受託人中之一種。因為信託法團顯示自己為有提供作為受託人這樣一種專長的能力,信託法團必須盡高度的努力及行使高水準的知識:Bartlett v Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd (No 1) [1980] 1 All ER 139, 2 WLR 430。信託法團能單就資本款項給予收據,並為巳授土地權益作單一受託人。另見 Trustee; Trustee corporation。




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