

单词 Quasi-estoppel
释义 類似不可自駁
A doctrine operating as a source of rights, but is not etoppel in the strict sense. The doctrine is subject to the qualification that the other party has altered his position; the promisor can resile from his promise on giving reasonable notice, which need not be a formal notice, giving the promisee a reasonable opportunity of resuming his position; and the promise becomes final and irrevocable only if the promisee cannot resume his position: Ajayi v R T Briscoe (Nigeria) Ltd [1964] 3 All ER 556, 1 WLR 1326 (PC). An example is quasi-estoppel by acquiescence where a party is mistaken as to his or her legal rights and has acted on the faith of this mistaken belief with the encouragement of the other party, who has knowledge of his or her legal right, and the first party’s mistaken belief in an inconsistent legal right: Kammins Ballrooms Co Ltd v Zenith Investments (Torquary) Ltd [1971] AC 850. An estoppel arising by virtue of the decision of a judicial or other tribunal which is not a court of record (and hence in respect of which there is no res judicata), where the parties have submitted to the court or tribunal. See also Estoppel; Promissory estoppel; Res judicata.
如權利來源般運作的一個原則,但嚴格來說並非不可自駁原則。這原則受制於另一方已改變其位置的限制;承諾人在給予合理的通知後,可自其承諾退縮,該通知不須要是正式通知,它只須給受承諾人合理機會返回他原來的位置上;只有在受承諾人不能返回其位置時,承諾才變成最終及不可撤回:Ajayi v R T Briscoe (Nigeria) Ltd [1964] 3 All ER 556, 1 WLR 1326 (樞密院)。類似不可自駁的例子有,通過默許而一方對自己的法律權利產生誤會,並基於信賴該項誤信,及另一方的鼓勵而有所作為,而該另一方已知道自己的法律權利,及知道該第一方的法律權利與己不符:Kammins Ballrooms Co Ltd v Zenith Investments (Torquary) Ltd [1971] AC 850。凡與訟方已向法庭或審裁處提交案件,不可自駁憑藉司法判決或其他並非紀錄法庭的審裁處的決定產生(因此就案件本身不存在既判案件的問題)。另見 Estoppel; Promissory estoppel; Res judicata。




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