

单词 Habitual drunkard
释义 慣性酗酒者
A person who is, by reason of habitual intemperate drinking of intoxicating liquor, at times dangerous to himself or herself or to others, or incapable of managing himself or herself, and his or her affairs: Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance (Cap 16) s 2. Where a married person is a habitual drunkard, other party may apply to the District Court for an order under the Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance: ss 3, 5. In matrimonial proceedings, such behaviour on the part of the respondent may satisfy the court that the petitioner cannot reasonably be expected to live with the respondent thus finding that the marriage has broken down irretrievably: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 11A(2)(b). See also Dissolution.
指由於慣性而無節制地喝酒,以致不時對其本人或他人造成危害,或以致失去控制其本人或處理其本身事務能力的人:《分居令及贍養令條例》(第16章)第2條。凡任何已婚人士是一名慣性酗酒者,則該另一方可向區域法院申請,要求該法院根據《分居令及贍養令條例》發出命令:第3及5條。婚姻訴訟當中,如法院信納因答辯人的行為而無法合理期望呈請人與其共同生活,則可裁定該宗婚姻已破裂至無可挽救:《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第11A(2)(b)條。另見 Dissolution。




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