

单词 Pur autre vie
释义 為他人有生之年
NF – for the life of another. An estate or interest in real property valid for the life time of another. If that other person known as the cestui que vie dies before life tenant known as the tenant pur autre vie, the interest of the life tenant determines and reverts back to the grantor’s estate. If the tenant pur autre vie dies before the cestui que vie, the property will pass to those entitled under his or her will or on intestacy for the remainder of the cestui que vie’s life. See also Cestui que vie; Life estate.
新法語 – 為他人有生之年。土地財產的產業或權益,在他人有生之年的時間有效。如稱之為活著之人的他人在稱之為為他人有生之年的租客的終身租客之前死亡, 終身租客的權益決定及復歸授予者的產業。如為他人有生之年的租客在活著之人之前死亡, 有關的財產會轉移給在其遺囑享有權益的人或在無遺囑的情況下給生存之人餘下有生之年。另見 Cestui que vie; Life estate。




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