

单词 Guidelines
释义 指引
In administrative law, a term describing policy. Other terms describing policy include ‘guidance notes’, ‘rules’, ‘circulars’, ‘principles’ and ‘schemes’. As policy, guidelines do not have the force of law unless the empowering legislation provides that they are binding. However, they must not misstate the law: R v Secretary of State for the Environment ex p Tower Hamlets London BC [1993] 3 All ER 439, QB 632 (CA). A misleading or manifestly inaccurate circular may be subject to judicial review: Gillick v West Norfolk & Wisbech Area Health Authority & Anor [1986] AC 112 (HL). Guidance indicating policy must not fetter the decision-maker’s discretion: Padfield & Ors v Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food & Ors [1968] AC 997, 1 All ER 694, 2 WLR 924 (HL); Leung Chow Public Car v A-G (HCMP 749/77, unreported); R v Secretary of State for the Environment ex p Lancashire CC [1994] 4 All ER 165.
行政法中,指描述政策的詞語。其他描述政策的詞語包括「指南/須知」、「規則」、「通告/傳閱文件」、「準則」及「計劃」。由於指引屬政策性質,因此並無法律效力;但如獲賦予權力的條例規定該等指引有約束力,則屬例外。但指引不得錯誤陳述法律:R v Secretary of State for the Environment ex p Tower Hamlets London BC [1993] 3 All ER 439,QB 632 (芵國上訴法院)。誤導或明顯不準確的通告可予司法覆核:Gillick v West Norfolk & Wisbech Area Health Authority & Anor [1986] AC 112 (上議院)。說明政策的指南不得約束決策者的酌情決定權:Padfield & Ors v Minister of Agriculture,Fisheries & Food & Ors [1968] AC 997,1 All ER 694,2 WLR 924(上議院);Leung Chow Public Car v A-G(高院雜項案件1977年第749號,未經彙報);R v Secretary of State for the Environment ex p Lancashire CC [1994] 4 All ER 165。n.




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