

单词 Custom
释义 慣例
A rule of conduct in society, established by long use and binding those under it. A custom must date back to time immemorial, and be certain and obligatory to constitute valid law. It may run counter to the common law but cannot contravene existing statute law. A custom can be general (applying to the whole country), particular (applying to sections of a territory). See also Chinese customary law; Customary international law.
Contract - A rule of conduct which, as a result of long usage, is binding on those who come within its scope. In contract law, terms can be implied into a contract on the basis of custom: Sun Hing Co v Brilliant Investment Co Ltd [1966] HKLR 310 (CA). A custom imported into a contract when nothing in its express terms or necessarily implied terms to prevent such inclusion and is not inconsistent with the contract as a whole: Sameiling v Grain Importers (Eire) Ltd [1952] 2 All ER 315; London Export Corp Ltd v Jubilee Coffee Roasting Co Ltd [1958] 2 All ER 411, 1 WLR 661 (CA). The custom must be certain and defined: Devonald v Rosser & Sons [1906] 2 KB 728. Evidence of custom can be admitted to prove that a written contract was entered into subject to the existence and applicability of the custom even though it was not expressly referred to in the written document: Hutton v Warren (1836) 1 M & W 466, 150 ER 517. To establish trade, custom or usage, the plaintiffs must show it was notorious, certain and reasonable. If the situation between the parties was so rare, there would not be the opportunity for customs and usage to develop: Eggar, Forrester Offshore Ltd & Anor v Hong Kong United Dockyards Ltd [1987] 1 HKC 318.
Real property - Unwritten law established by long usage; a local law as distinguished from general common law. A valid custom must be certain, reasonable, and continuous: Hammerton v Honey (1876) 24 WR 603. In Hong Kong, some Chinese customs concern about land which is preserved by legislation: New Territories Ordinance (Cap 97) s 13.
社會行為規則,通過長期使用而設定,且對其下的人具約束力。慣例要能成為有效的法律,它設定的時間必須已是無法追憶的,它必須是確定及具強制性的。慣例可與普通法相違反,但它必須不能與現行成文法相違背。慣例可以是普遍性的(全國適用),特定的(適用於部分地區)。另見 Chinese customary law; Customary international law。
合約 - 經長期使用的行為規則,對在它範圍內的人具約束力。合約法中,合約可基於慣例,被視作隱含某些條款:Sun Hing Co v Brilliant Investment Co Ltd [1966] HKLR 310(上訴法院)。慣例會被引入合約內,如在合約明示條款或有需要的默示條款上沒有阻止包含該慣例及該慣例並沒有與合約整體相抵觸 :Sameiling v Grain Importers (Eire) Ltd [1952] 2 All ER 315; London Export Corp Ltd v Jubilee Coffee Roasting Co Ltd [1958] 2 All ER 411, 1 WLR 661(英國上訴法院)。慣例必須是確定及已界定的:Devonald v Rosser & Sons [1906] 2 KB 728。慣例的證據可被接納,以證明雖然書面文件沒有明文提及,書面合約是在受存在的慣例及其適用性的規限下簽訂的:Hutton v Warren (1836) 1 M & W 466, 150 ER 517。要設立行業的慣例或行業的使用,原告人必須證明它是眾所周知的,確定的及合理的。如涉及雙方的情況屬罕見的,建立慣例或使用的機會可說是沒有:Eggar, Forrester Offshore Ltd & Anor v Hong Kong United Dockyards Ltd [1987] 1 HKC 318。
土地財產 -   經長期使用而建立的不明文法律;有別於一般普通法的本地法律。有效的慣例必須是確定的,合理的及連續的:Hammerton v Honey (1876) 24 WR 603。在香港,一些涉及土地的中國習慣被法例所保留:《新界條例》(第97章)第13條。n.




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