

单词 Application for abridgement of time for service
释义 縮短送達期限的申請
A request made to a court to abridge or shorten the time usually required for the service of a subpoena or document. Shortening time for service will not generally be allowed unless it is necessary in the interest of justice: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 3 r 5(1). See also Subpoena.
向法庭申請省略或縮短送達傳召或文件通常所需的期限。除非為公正起見是必須的,否則縮短送達期限的申請通常都不獲批准:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第3號命令第5(1)條規則。另見 Subpoena。




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