

单词 Appearance
释义 應訴書
1. The coming to court as a party to a suit, either in person or through counsel, whether as plaintiff or defendant. 2. The voluntary submission to a court’s jurisdiction. Acknowledgement of service of the writ or other process in accordance with the rules of court is to be treated as the entry of an appearance to the Court of First Instance: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 12 r 10. 3. If a case is heard in the absence of a party, it is said to be heard ex parte. 4. Appearing to argue the merits of a case is also taken as submission: Re Dulles’ Settlement (No 2) [1951] Ch 842 (CA). See also Entering an appearance; Ex parte; Notice to appear.
1.以原告人或被告人的身份親自或透過大律師作為訴訟一方出庭。  2.自願願受法院的司法管轄權管轄。按照法院規則對令狀或其他法律程序文件作認收送達,須視作就原訟法院呈交應訴書:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第12號命令第10條規則。  3.如某案件在一方缺席的情況下聆訊,則被稱為單方面聆訊。  4.出庭就個案的成功機會進行爭辯,亦視為願受管轄:Re Dulles’ Settlement (No 2) [1951] Ch 842(英國上訴法院)。另見 Entering an appearance; Ex parte; Notice to appear。n.




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