

单词 Custody
释义 保管
The physical holding of, or control over, a thing without a right or claim to exclusiveness which is necessary to constitute possession. This word has historically been applied to servants who, as an incident of status, did not possess their master’s chattels though under their physical control while they were in his house. The legal position of guests is similar. In its wider and more general application, this word means physical control which does not necessarily involve knowledge: R v Chan Ping & Anor [1986] 1 HKC 414. See also Actual possession; Constructive possession; Delivery; Possession.
Contract - The care and control, guarding, keeping, watch of a person, and preservation or security of a thing. Custody does not include the right to final absolute control and ownership. For example, in building and engineering contracts, it is usual to stipulate the contract drawings and the contract bills shall remain in the custody of the architect or of the quantity surveyor so as to be available at all reasonable times for inspection of the employer or of the contractor. See also Assessment; Control.
Criminal law - In relation to the accused, custody refers to the confinement, imprisonment of a person by virtue of the process of law or authority. Custody includes the elements of dominance and control of the liberty of a person, and the state of being guarded and watched to prevent escape. The exhibits used in a criminal trial shall remain in the custody of the court, pending an appeal or final determination of an appeal: Criminal Appeal Rules (Cap 221A) s 22. In this respect, custody has the general meaning of physical holding and control of a thing. In relation to dangerous drugs offence, the custody need not be exclusive to the accused but can be joint with another: Fong Yuk Lin v The Queen [1963] HKLR 282. See also Actual possession; Detention; Police custody; Possession.
Family law - The bundle of rights, powers and duties normally exercisable by a parent or guardian over a child until the child reaches the age of 18. These rights include more than physical care and control, but extend to all matters relating to the upbringing of the child, for example, the right to control the place and manner in which the child’s time is spent; the right to give consent to medical treatment, or even the administration of property held in trust for the child and the application of income of any such property. See also Care and control; Custodian; Custodial parent; Custody order; Guardian; Parental responsibility.
實則持有或控制某物件,但並不享有構成管有權的專用權或申索權。該用語一直以來適用於受僱人;作為其僱主的地位的附屬品,當受僱人於其僱主家中雖實際管控其僱主的實產,但不擁有該等實產。客人有相同的法定地位。就其更廣泛及更普遍的用法,該詞指實際管控,但不一定涉及知情:R v Chan Ping & Anor [1986] 1 HKC 414。另見 Actual possession; Constructive possession; Delivery; Possession。
合約 - 照顧及控制、看守、看管、或看謢某人,亦可為保存或確保某物件。保管並不包括全權控制及全權擁有的權利。例如一般建築和工程合約通常規定,由建築師及工料測量師保管合約繪圖及票據,以供僱主或承建商在任何合理時間查閱。另見 Assessment; Control。
刑法 - 就被告而言,「扣押」指憑藉法律程序或權力囚禁、監禁某人。扣押包括支配及控制該人士的自由、被守衛及監視以防逃離羈押。刑事審訊的所有證物須由法院保管,以聽候上訴或上訴的最後決定:刑事上訴規則 (第221A章)第22條。在此方面,「保管」泛指實質擁有及控制某樣東西。另見 Actual possession; Detention; Police custody; Possession.
家庭法 - 在兒童未滿十八歲前,家長或監護人可對該兒童行使的權利、權力及責任。該等權利包括實則照顧及控制該兒童,亦延伸至有關教養該兒童的事宜,例如控制該兒童消磨時間的地點和方式的權利、同意接受任何醫療的權利、甚或管理代該兒童托管的財產、並運用從該等財產所獲得的收益。另見 Care and control; Custodian; Custodial parent; Custody order; Guardian; Parental responsibility。n.




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