

单词 Baseline
释义 領海基線
In maritime law, a line from which the maritime zones are measured forming the boundary between the territorial sea and internal waters. Unless otherwise provided, the baseline is the low water line along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognised by the coastal state: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 5; Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone 1958 art 3. The coastal state may determine baselines having regard to methods such as the use of straight baselines for deeply indented coasts or coasts fringed with islands, and other measures for river mouths, bays, harbour works, low-tide elevations, islands, reefs, and archipelagos: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 arts 5-15, 47, 121; Law of the People’s Republic of China on Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone art 3; Promulgation of National Laws (No 2) 1997 (Cap 2403) sch 1. The baseline must follow the general direction of the coast: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 7. These principles were applied in the Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries (UK v Norway) 1951 ICJ 116. Also known as ‘water line’.
在海事法,計量海上區域的界線,形成領海與內部水域之間的邊界。除非另有規定,基線是在沿海國家正式承認的大比例尺圖上紀錄的沿海岸標記的低水線:《1982年聯合國海洋法公約》第5條;《1958年領海及相鄰地區日內瓦公約》第3條。在考慮不同的使用方法後(例如於深入內凹的海岸或邊緣有海島的海岸使用直的基線,及於河口,海灣,港口工程,潮水低時露出水面的陸地,海島,礁脈和群島使用的其他措施),沿海國家可決定領海基線:《1982年聯合國海洋法公約》第5-15,47,121條;《中華人民共和國領海和相鄰地區法》第3條;《1997年國家法公布(第2號)》(第2403章)附表1。領海基線必須依循海岸的一般方向:《1982年聯合國海洋法公約》第7條。這些原則應用於Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries (UK v Norway) 1951 ICJ 116。另稱「水線」。n.




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