

单词 Impotence
释义 性無能
1. In medicine, the inability to perform the sexual act (as opposed to sterility which is the inability to reproduce), owing to failure of the reflex mechanism. 2. The inability of a man to sustain an erection and thus be able to have sexual intercourse. 3. In proceedings for nullity on the ground of impotence or incapacity to consummate the marriage, an application must be made to the court to determine whether medical inspectors should be appointed to examine the parties: Matrimonial Causes Rules (Cap 179A) r 30(1). See also Sexual intercourse; Void marriage; Voidable marriage.
1. 在醫學上,指因反射機制有問題而不能作出性行為(與因不能生殖的不育有別)。  2. 男性不能維持勃起因而無法進行性交。  3.在以性無能或無能力圓房為理由而進行的婚姻無效法律程序中,呈請人須向法院申請,要求就應否委派醫療檢查人員為雙方檢驗一事作出裁定:《婚姻訴訟規則》(第179A章)第30(1)條。另見 Sexual intercourse; Void marriage; Voidable marriage。n.




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