

单词 Imputed knowledge
释义 憑法律認定而知道的
A presumption that an employer or principal was aware at a particular time of a fact within the knowledge of an employee or agent: Wyllie v Pollen (1863) 3 DE G J & Sm 596. The knowledge of the agent to be imputed is his actual and presumptive knowledge: Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd v Spratt [1971] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 295. In practice, insurers may insert in their policies a condition excluding or modifying the application of the doctrine of imputed: Levy v Scottish Employers’ Insurance Co (1901) 17 TLR 229 (DC). A company may be imputed the knowledge of its directors or others who take the company’s decision or have de facto control of the company: El Ajou v Dollar Land Holidays plc [1994] 2 All ER 685 (CA). See also Agency; Impute.
推定僱主或委託人在某事實的特定時間知悉僱員或代理人所知悉的某事實:Wyllie v Pollen(1863) 3 DE G J & Sm 596。推算代理人所知悉的是他/她實際及推定知悉的:Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd v Spratt [1971] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 2。事實上,承保人可在其保單中載入豁除或修改引用憑法律認定而知道的原則的條件,從而:Levy v Scottish Employers’ Insurance Co(1901) 17 TLR 229(英國地方法院)。公司可憑法律認定而知道其董事,或其他為公司作出決策的、或擁有事實上的控制權的人士所知悉的:El Ajou v Dollar Land Holidays plc [1994] 2 All ER 685(英國上訴法院)。另見 Agency; Impute。




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