

单词 Certificate of damage
释义 損害證明書
A document issued by a dock company when it receives damaged goods. It is in the form of a questionnaire to be filled in by the port authorities or by the representatives of the insurance underwriters. It addresses questions such as the cause of the damage, the arrival date of the vessel involved, the date of unloading, when the damage was recorded in relation to its occurrence, the date and the place of the dock surveyor’s survey stating the nature and cause of the damage and the carrier’s attitude in relation to liability. The underwriters would use this certificate to determine whether action should be pursued for compensation. See also Certificate; Dock; Underwriter.
碼頭公司收到受損貨物時發出的文件。一般由港口當局或保險承保人的代表以問卷的格式填寫。損害證明書註明下列問題:損害的起因;所涉船舶的抵達日期;卸貨日;紀錄損害的發生日期;碼頭測量師作出的檢驗報告的時間和地點,報告載有損害性質和發生原因;及承運人對責任的意見。承保人可根據損害證明書決定是否提出訴訟以追索損害賠償。另見 Certificate; Dock; Underwriter。




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