

单词 Pre-contract expenditure
释义 合約前支出
Expenditure incurred before a contract is entered into. Generally, pre-contract expenditure cannot be recovered as a distinct head of damage; nevertheless, expenditure required under the contract, even if in fact incurred before the contract was entered into, may be recovered: Lloyd v Stanbury [1971] 1 WLR 535. Where the parties contemplated that pre-contract expenditure would be lost if the contract were not to be performed, and there is no way of estimating the profit which would have been made had the contract been performed, then the pre-contract expenditure may be a basis for calculating compensation: Anglia Television Ltd v Reed [1972] 1 QB 60. See also Damages; Performance.
在成立合約前招致的支出。一般而言﹐合約前支出不能作為一種特別的損害項目追討。 雖然如此﹐在合約要求下的支出可被討回 ﹐縱使如事實上支出已在成立合約前已招致: Lloyd v Stanbury [1971] 1 WLR 535。凡當事人預期如不履行合約便會損失合約前的支出﹐且沒有方法評估如已履行合約所得的利潤﹐因而合約前支出可作為計算賠償的基礎: Angelia Television Ltd v Reed [1972] 1 QB 60。另見 Damages; Performance。




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