

单词 Autopsy
释义 屍體剖驗
An examination of the remains of a deceased person to determine the cause of death: Ratten v R (1974) 131 CLR 510. A coroner is empowered to order an autopsy to be performed on a dead body where it has been brought to a prescribed mortuary or before a decision is made whether to hold an inquest into the death of a person concerned: Coroners Ordinance (Cap 504) s 6.
對死者遺體進行的檢驗,以斷定死因:Ratten v R (1974) 131 CLR 510。凡有屍體被送到訂明的殮房或在未決定是否就某人的死亡進行研訊之前,死因裁判官可命令對屍體進行屍體剖驗:《死因裁判官制條例》(第504章)第6條。n.




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