

单词 Lord Cairns' Act 1858
释义 1858年卡恩斯勳爵法例
The common name for the (UK) Chancery Amendment Act 1858. The provisions originally found in (UK) Chancery Amendment Act 1858 s 2 enabled a court of equity to award damages when declining to grant equitable relief. The Act was not confined to cases in which the plaintiff could recover damages at common law: Eastwood v Lever (1863) 4 De GJ & S 114, 46 ER 859. It allowed a court to compensate a plaintiff once and for all by the award of damages. The doctrine of res judicata thereafter operates to prevent future actions: Jaggard v Sawyer & Anor [1995] 2 All ER 189, 1 WLR 269 (CA). See also Equitable damages; Res judicata.
《1858年(英國)大法官修訂法》的通用名稱。該等條文源自於《1858年 (英國) 大法官修訂法》第2條,當拒絕授予衡平法濟助時,容許衡平法法庭就損害作出賠償。此法例並不限制在普通法上原訴人可追討損害賠償的案件:Eastwood v Lever (1863) 4 De GJ & S 114, 46 ER 859。它容許法庭以一次過的形式透過損害賠償裁決給予原訴人賠償。此後實施既判案件原則以防止未來的訴訟:Jaggard v Sawyer & Anor [1995] 2 All ER 189, 1 WLR 269(英國上訴法院)。另見 Equitable damages; Res judicata。




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