

单词 Annulment
释义 廢止
The act of rendering something void, often from the beginning.
Bankruptcy - The process of ending a bankruptcy by which the bankruptcy order is set aside: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) ss 20I, 33. The aim of the annulment is to place the party whose bankruptcy is set aside in his or her original position as if no bankruptcy order had ever been made and he or she remains liable for all bankruptcy debts: More v More [1962] Ch 424. Annulment can be achieved by payment of the bankrupt’s debt in full or secured to the satisfaction of the court: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 33(1)(b); Re Robertson (a Bankrupt) [1989] 1 WLR 1139. The court can also make an order annulling the bankruptcy on the ground that the bankruptcy order ought not to have been made on the grounds existing at the making of the order: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 33(1)(a); Re A Debtor (No 68 of 1992) Times, 12 February 1993. The acceptance of a composition or arrangement by creditors of a bankrupt also annuls the bankruptcy: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 20I. See also Automatic discharge; Composition; Debtor’s petition.
Family law - A declaration that a marriage is null and void: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 19. The annulment of a marriage is achieved by instituting proceedings for a decree of nullity which must be based on the ground that the marriage is void or voidable: s 20. A void marriage is regarded as never having taken place and the decree of nullity is therefore declaratory in effect: De Reneville v De Reneville [1948] P 100 (CA). By contrast, a voidable marriage is a valid and subsisting marriage until the granting of a decree of nullity: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 20B. Evidence of failed attempt to consummate or ‘invincible repugnance’ may be a ground for nullity: Shu Wing Li v Yeung Siu Ling Amy [1994] 1 HKC 281 (CA). The petitioner is not entitled to a decree of nullity upon his or her own wilful refusal to consummate: Mok Po Shing v Lie Lie Khim [1996] 3 HKC 330 (CA). Similarly, divorce involves the dissolution of a valid marriage and has effect from the time the decree of dissolution is made. See also Decree absolute; Decree of nullity; Dissolution; Void; Voidable.
令致若干東西無效的行為(通常由一開始廢止) 。
破產 -  憑藉終止破產的過程,將破產令作廢的過程:《破產條例》(第6章)第20I及33條。廢止的目的在於將其破產已作廢的一方置於他/她原本的處境,猶如從沒有作出破產令一樣,而/他她仍然須就所有的破產債務承擔法律責任:More v More [1962] Ch 424。 可藉償付破產人全部債務,或在獲法院滿意的情況下予以廢止:《破產條例》(第6章)第33(1)(b)條;Re Robertson (a Bankrupt) [1989] 1 WLR 1139。如法院在任何時間覺得基於在作出破產令時存在的任何理由,該破產令本不應作出,則法院可廢止該破產令:《破產條例》(第6章)第33(1)(a)條;Re A Debtor (No 68 of 1992) 時代日報,1993年2月12日。如破產人的債務人接受有關的協議或安排,亦會廢止有關的破產令:《破產條例》(第6章)第 20I條。另見 Automatic discharge; Composition; Debtor’s petition。
家庭法 - 宣佈婚姻作廢及無效:《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第19條。要使婚姻無效必須提起法律程序而獲法庭以婚姻無效或可使無效為理由而批出婚姻無效判令:第20條。無效的婚姻視作重未締結的婚姻,因此,批出婚姻無效判令作用是宣布婚姻無效:De Reneville v De Reneville [1948] P 100(英國上訴法院)。相對來說,可使無效的婚姻是有效的婚姻,被視為一直存在,直至批出婚姻無效判令為止:《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第20B條。證明無能力圖房或「有不可克服的抵觸」可以是婚姻無效的一個理由:Shu Wing Li v Yeung Siu Ling Amy [1994] 1 HKC 281(上訴法院)。答辯人故意拒絕圖房不可要求批出婚姻無效判令:Mok Po Shing v Lie Lie Khim [1996] 3 HKC 330 (上訴法院)。同樣地,離婚是解除有效的婚姻,由批出解除令時生效。另見 Decree absolute; Decree of nullity; Dissolution; Void; Voidable。n.




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