

单词 Animal trade
释义 動物售賣生意
A trade or business in which a person as an animal trader, who sells, or offers to sell animals or birds, other than a person who just sells or offers to sell any animal or bird kept by him as a pet: Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Animal Traders) Regulations (Cap 139B) reg 2. The person who is an animal trader must not carry the business of animal trade other than under a licence or keep animals for the purpose of his business of animal trade other than in premises in respect of which a licence is granted: reg 4. See also Animal; Breeding establishment.
作為動物售賣商的人(但不包括將自己飼養的寵物動物或禽鳥出售的人)出售動物或禽鳥的生意或業務:《公共衛生(動物及禽鳥)(動物售賣者)規例》(第139B章) 第2條。身為動物售賣者的人如非領有牌照,不得經營動物售賣的生意,或不得在獲批給牌照的地方以外飼養動物以經營動物售賣生意:第4條。另見 Animal; Breeding establishment。




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