

单词 Triad society
释义 三合會社團
A society which uses any triad ritual or any ritual closely resembling any such ritual or any part of any such ritual, or adopts or makes use of any triad title or nomenclature: Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455) s 2(1). Triad society is an unlawful society, whether or not such society is a registered society or an exempted society and whether or not such society is a local society: Societies Ordinance (Cap 151) s 18(1). Any office-bearer or any person professing or claiming to be an office-bearer and any person managing or assisting in the management of any triad society shall be guilty of an offence: s 19(2). Any person who is or acts as a member of a triad society or professes or claims to be a member of a triad society or attends a meeting of a triad society or who pays money or gives any aid to or for the purposes of the triad society or is found in possession of or has the custody or control of any books, accounts, writing, lists of members, seals, banners or insignia of or relating to any triad society or to any branch of a triad society whether or not such society or branch is established in Hong Kong, shall be guilty of an offence: s 20(2). The offence of being a member of a triad society is a continuing offence and the fact that a person has been convicted on a former occasion of the offence does not mean that he cannot be convicted at a later time if, after the first conviction, he remains a member of a triad society: R v Chan Kwong Ning [1957] HKLR 492. On a charge of being a member of a triad society, a simple unqualified assertion from the accused that he is a member of a triad society, without more, is capable of being sufficient evidence of that fact but whether it is or not depends on the circumstances: R v Yu Fung-hi [1996] 1 HKCLR 126. Any person who incites, induces or invites another person to become a member of or assist in the management of a triad society and any person who uses any violence, threat or intimidation towards any other person in order to induce him to become a member or to assist in the management of a triad society shall be guilty of an offence: s 22(2). See also Triad ritual.
任何以下社團:使用三合會普遍使用的任何儀式、任何與該等儀式十分相似的儀式或該等儀式的任何部分的社團;或採用或利用任何三合會名銜或稱謂術語的社團:《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》(第455章)第2(1)條。三合會社團屬非法社團,不論該社團是否註冊社團或獲豁免社團,亦不論該社團是否屬本地社團:《社團條例》(第151章)第18(1)條。任何三合會社團的幹事或任何自稱或聲稱是三合會社團幹事的人,以及任何管理或協助管理三合會社團的人,均屬犯罪:第19(2)條。任何人如屬三合會社團的成員,或以三合會社團成員身分行事,或自稱或聲稱是三合會社團的成員,或參加三合會社團的集會,或向三合會社團付款或給予援助,或為三合會社團的目的而付款或給予援助,或保管或控制或被發現管有屬於或關於三合會社團或三合會社團任何分支機構的任何簿冊、帳目、字據、成員名單、印章、旗幟或徽章,則不論該社團或該分支機構是否在香港成立,該人亦屬犯罪:第20(2)條。身為三合會社團成員的罪行屬持續罪行;某人之前曾被定罪的事實,如該人於第一次定罪後仍然是三合會社團的成員,不代表該人不可於期後被定罪:R v Chan Kwong Ning [1957] HKLR 492。身為三合會社團成員的控罪,被告人作出的簡單及絕對的宣稱,聲稱自己是三合會社團的成員,僅是該宣稱已能構成該事實的充分證據,但該人是否三合會社團的成員,則視乎有關情況:R v Yu Fung-hi [1996] 1 HKCLR 126。任何人煽惑、誘使或邀請他人成為三合會社團成員或協助管理三合會社團,或對他人使用暴力、作出威脅或恐嚇以誘使該人成為三合會社團成員或協助管理三合會社團,即屬犯罪:第22(2)條。另見 Triad ritual。




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