

单词 Sustainable development
释义 可持續發展
Development which provides economic, social and environmental benefits in the long term. To achieve this, sustainable development must have regard to the living and non-living resource base, conservation of resources, the long-term character of the market, and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative courses of action for future generations. Sustainable development is a wider concept than sustainable yield, allowing the use of depletable resources in an efficient manner with an eye to substituting other resources in due course. See also Ecologically sustainable development.
在長遠來說,令經濟、社會及環境受惠的發展。要達到這點,可持續發展必須考慮到有生命及無生命的資源基礎、資源保育、市場的長線特徵、及為後代而設的可能行動方案的利與弊。可持續發展的概念比可持續產量更廣,允許可耗盡資源被有效地使用,同時著眼於在適當的時間代替那些資源。可持續發展併入跨世代公平的概念及預防原則。另見 Ecologically sustainable development。




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