

单词 Effluent
释义 污水
The outflow from a sewage tank, or from land after irrigation or earth-filtration of sewage. Generally refers to wastes discharged into surface waters. It includes deleterious material flowing in or out of a drain, sewer, outfall, sewage disposal system or works; the liquid discharge from water pollution control works; all wastewaters deposited by a plant and includes process water, cooling water, tank drainage, storm water, wasters from water and wastewater treatment facilities and run-off from lands used for the storage or treatment of wastewater and sludge associated with the operation of a plant; mine water effluent, mill process effluent, tailings impoundment area effluent, treatment, treatment pound or treatment facility effluent, seepage and surface drainage: Sewage Services Ordinance (Cap 463) s 2. See also Pollution.
在灌溉或污水過濾後從污水箱或土地流出來的水。泛指流出地面水的污水。包括從污水渠、排水口、水管、污水處理系統或工程流入或流出的有害的物料;從污水管制工程流出的液體;經工業裝置沉澱的所有廢水,其中包括加工水、冷卻水、水箱排水、雨水排水、從水及廢水處理設施流出的廢物、及從用作儲蓄或處理廢水排出的殘存物,以及與工業裝置運作有關的淤泥;受污染的礦水、研磨工序污水、尾礦圍塘區域的污水、處理、處理水塘或處理裝置污水、漏水及地面排水:《污水處理服務條例》(第463章)第2條。另見 Pollution。n.




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