

单词 Election
释义 選擇;選舉
To determine in favour of a course of action, a thing, or a place.
Contract - An unequivocal act or clear words showing a choice between two inconsistent rights or remedies. Where a person has, with full knowledge, done an unequivocal act showing the simple and clear choice of one of two alternative and inconsistent rights, that person is bound by his or her own choice and cannot afterwards pursue the other inconsistent right: United Australia Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd [1940] 4 All ER 20, [1941] AC 1; Tang Wing Hong Alan v Capacious Investment Ltd [1996] 1 HKC 401 (PC). The purpose of election is to prevent a person taking up inconsistent positions. Normally, the person is required to choose when, but not before, judgment is given in his or her favour against the other side. Examples of election include an election to rescind, affirm or terminate the performance of a contract, or the exercise of a right to terminate. See also Affirmation; Rescission; Right to terminate; Rule against automatic termination; Waiver.
Criminal law - A decision made by a party to take a certain procedural step in the course of criminal proceedings. For examples, a defendant may elect whether to give evidence at trial: R v Ho Ling & Anor [1996] 1 HKC 733. A defendant may elect to or not to adduce evidence: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 35 r 7(3), (4). An accused may elect to have the charge heard at a preliminary inquiry: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 80C(1). See also Duplicity; Indictable offence; Summary offence; Summary proceedings.
Public administration - The mechanism used in democracies to select representatives of the people to wield political power. There are two types of political elections in the Hong Kong SAR, namely the selection of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council election. Methods of these elections shall be specified in light of the actual situation in the Hong Kong SAR and in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly progress: Basic Law arts 45, 68. The ultimate aim is to select the Chief Executive and to return all members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage: arts 45, 68. Political elections in Hong Kong are characterised by the variety in methods and secret ballot is generally applied. The first Chief Executive was selected by a Selection Committee of 400 members. Starting from the second term the Chief Executive shall be selected by an 800-member Election Committee. Members of the Legislative Council are returned by geographical constituencies through direct elections, the Election Committee (to be abolished from the third term) and functional constituencies. Methods of election of the Chief Executive and members of the Legislative Council subsequent to the year 2007 may be amended according to the procedures specified in the Basic Law Annex I and II. Elections are supervised by the Electoral Affairs Commission. See also Electoral Affairs Commission.
Real property - An equitable doctrine which applies to force someone taking a benefit under an instrument to accept or reject the instrument as a whole: Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd v Bluff [1981] 3 All ER 232, [1982] Ch 172, 2 WLR 198. The foundation of the equitable doctrine of election is that ‘a person cannot accept and reject the same instrument’: Birmingham v Kirwan (1805) 2 Sch & Lef 444. The equitable doctrine applies to land or interest in land, to foreign property (Re Mengel’s Will Trusts [1962] 2 All ER 490, 3 WLR 311, Ch 791) and to gifts of chattels and other personalty (Re Gordon’s Will Trusts [1978] Ch 145). Equitable intervention is attracted by the circumstance that the instrument by which the recipient is to take his or her new interest also purports to give to a third party the property, not of the settlor or testator, but of the recipient.
Succession - On testate succession, election means the decision a true owner must make where a testator is mistaken as to the ownership and purports to dispose of property to another person which he or she does not own. Where the true owner is also a beneficiary under the testator’s will, equity may put the owner to election to either refuse the gift and keep the subject property with compensation or to take the gift and transfer the property according to the will: Noys v Mordaunt (1706) 2 Vern 581. On intestate succession, the surviving spouse of an intestate is entitled to exercise an election on appropriation of residence in which he or she was residing at the time of the intestate’s death: Intestates’ Estate Ordinance (Cap 73) s 7, Sch 2.
合約 - 以毫不含糊的行為或清楚的文字,顯示在兩項有抵觸的權利或補救之間作出的選擇。凡某人在完全知悉的情況下,作出毫不含糊的行為,顯示該人在兩項有抵觸的權利的選擇中,簡單而清楚地選了其中一個,則該人即受他或她自己作出的選擇所約束,而其後不能追索另一個相抵觸的權利:United Australia Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd [1940] 4 All ER 20, [1941] AC 1; Tang Wing Hong Alan v Capacious Investment Ltd [1996] 1 HKC 401 (樞密院)。選擇的目的是要阻止某人取得相抵觸的地位。通常應在判另一方敗訴而法庭作出對某人有利的判決的情況時(而非在這之前),該人須要作出選擇。例如選擇撤銷、確認或終止合約的履行,或行使終止的權利。另見 Affirmation; Rescission; Right to terminate; Rule against automatic termination; Waiver。
刑法 -   由一方作出決定,在刑事法律程序的過程中作出若干程序步驟。例如被告人可選擇是否在審訊中作供:R v Ho Ling & Anor [1996] 1 HKC 733。被告人可選擇援引證據或不援引證據:《高等法院規則》(第4A章) 第35號命令第7(3)及 (4)條規則。被控人可選擇在初級偵訊中就控罪進行聆訊:《裁判官條例》(第227章)第80C(1)條。另見 Duplicity; Indictable offence; Summary offence; Summary proceedings。
公共行政 - 在民主制度中用以選擇人民代表以行使政治權力的機制。香港特別行政區有兩種政治選舉,即行政長官選舉及立法會選舉。此等選舉辦法根據香港特別行政區的實際情況和循序漸進的原則而規定:《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》第45及68條。最終達至行政長官及全部議員由普選產生的目標:第45及68條。香港政治選舉的特徵在於有不同的選舉方法,一般以不記名的投票方式進行選舉。第一任行政長官由選舉委員會委員共400人選舉產生。從第二屆開始,行政長官應由選舉委員會委員共800人選舉產生。立法會議員通過地方選區直接選舉、選舉委員會選舉(從第三屆開始被廢除)及功能團體選舉產生。二○○七年以後的行政長官及立法會議員的產生辦法,可根據《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》附件一及二所列明的程序作出修訂。選舉事務由選舉管理委員會監督進行。另見 Electoral Affairs Commission。
土地財產 -   適用於強行使某人根據某文書而受益或拒絕全部文書的衡平法原則:Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd v Bluff [1981] 3 All ER 232, [1982] Ch 172, 2 WLR 198。衡平法選擇原則之基礎是「一人不可接受及拒絕同一文書」:Birmingham v Kirwan (1805) 2 Sch & Lef 444。此等衡平法原則適用於土地或土地權益,以致外地財產(Re Mengel’s Will Trusts [1962] 2 All ER 490, 3 WLR 311, Ch 791)及實產和其他動產的饋贈(Re Gordon’s Will Trusts [1978] Ch 145)。當受贈人憑藉取得新權益之文書,同時擬授予第三者並非財產授予人或立遺囑人的財產,而是擬授予該受贈人的財產時,這種情況會引致衡平法作出干預。
繼承 -   就遺囑繼承而言,指凡立遺囑人弄錯所有權,在擬向另一人處置該立遺囑人並不擁有的財產的情況下,真正擁有人所必須作出的決定。凡真正擁有人亦為立遺囑人的遺囑受益人,則衝平法可能要該擁有人作出選擇,即選擇拒絕有關饋贈、保留標的財產並收取賠償,或選擇接受饋贈,並根據遺囑轉移財產:Noys v Mordaunt (1706) 2 Vern 581。就無遺囑繼承而言,無遺囑者的尚存配偶有權就他或她在無遺囑者去世時所居住的處所作出的撥配行使選擇權:《無遺囑者遺產條例》(第73章)第7條附表2。n.




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