

单词 Declaratory judgment
释义 屬宣布性質的判決
An authoritative but non-coercive proclamation of the court made for the purpose of resolving certain legal issues. A declaration may be made on any issue of fact or law. An application for a declaratory order is appropriate where, for example, the parties merely seek clarification of their legal rights in relation to some matter and are willing to respect and act upon their legal position once it is ascertained. Although a declaratory judgment was an equitable remedy and unknown to common law, no action or proceedings is today open to objection on the ground that a merely declaratory judgment or order is sought by it, and the court may make binding declaration of right whether or not any consequential relief is or could be claimed: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 r 16. An action for declaration may be commenced by writ as well as by originating summons, and in a writ action the claim for a declaration may be accompanied by other claims for specific, ancillary or alternative relief or remedy: Re Kwun Tong Island Lot No 386 [1989] 1 HKC 411 (HC); High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 21K(2). The general power of the court with respect to declaratory judgment is confined to justiciable matters, that is, legal and equitable rights, but not moral, social, political matters: Dicks v Easy Finder Ltd [1996] 3 HKC 65 (HC); A-G v Moy Chung Man John [1981] 1 HKC 190 (HC). The principles applicable to the court in making declaratory judgments and the power of the court to do so is discretionary; the court would not decide academic or hypothetical questions; where specific relief, other than declaration, is not claimed, the jurisdiction to make a declaration should be exercised with great caution: A-G v Moy Chung Man John, supra. See also Ancillary relief; Court order.
法院為解決若干法律爭論點而作出的官方但非強制性的文告。法院可就任何事實或法律上的爭論點作出宣布。例如凡當事人僅為尋求澄清關於其若干事宜的法律權利,及一旦其法律地位得到確定,願意遵守,則可申請屬宣布性質的命令。儘管屬宣布性質的判決是衡平法補救,普通法並無此等補救方法,但現時任何訴訟或其他法律程序,均不得因藉其而尋求的僅為屬宣布性質的判決或命令而受到反對,法庭並可作出關於權利的具約束力的宣布,而不論有否或可否申索任何相應濟助:《高等法院規則》第15號命令第16條規則。可藉令狀及原訴傳票展開作出宣布的訴訟,而在令狀的訴訟,作出宣布的申索可連同其他謀求特定濟助、附屬濟助或其他補救方法的申索:Re Kwun Tong Island Lot No 386 [1989] 1 HKC 411 (高等法院);《高等法院條件》(第4章)第21K(2)條。法院關於屬宣布性質的判決的一般權力限於有理由可支持的事宜,即僅限於法律上或衡平法上的權利,而並非有關道義、社會或政治的事宜:Dicks v Easy Finder Ltd [1996] 3 HKC 65 (高等法院); A-G v Moy Chung Man John [1981] 1 HKC 190 (高等法院)。適用於法院作出屬宣布性質的判決及權力的原則屬酌情決定權;法院亦不會就任何學術或假定的問題作裁決;凡當事人並無申索任何特定濟助(但 作出宣布則不在此限),法院須高度謹慎地行使其作出宣布的司法管轄權:A-G v Moy Chung Man John, u見上文。另見 Ancillary relief; Court order。




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