

单词 Gravamen
释义 控訴要旨
Lat – inconvenience; grievance. The main thrust or crux of the thing complained against; the substantial aspect of a charge against the accused; the core act against which a prohibition has been imposed. For example, the gravamen of riot is the commission of a breach of the peace while taking part in an unlawful assembly: S-J v Cheung Chun Chin & Ors [2002] 1 HKC 413 (CA).
拉丁語 - 不便;冤屈。針對某東西而作出申訴的要旨或關鍵之處;針對被告所作檢控的實質狀況;針對主要作為而經已施行的禁制。例如暴動的控訴要旨是在參與非法集會時作出破壞社會安寧的作為:S-J v Cheung Chun Chin & Ors [2002] 1 HKC 413 (上訴法庭)。n.




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