

单词 Knowing assistance
释义 明知的協助
In relation to trusts, helping a trustee or fiduciary to commit a breach of trust or fiduciary duty, with knowledge that the trustee or fiduciary is committing a breach of duty: Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan [1995] 2 AC 378, 3 All ER 97, 3 WLR 64 (PC); Nanus Asia Co Inc & Anor v Standard Chartered Bank [1988] HKC 377 (HC). The assistor is said to be a constructive trustee, but is normally only personally liable to compensate the beneficiary of the trust or fiduciary duty for losses caused by the breach, and may also be liable to account for profits so earned. See also Constructive trust; Knowing receipt; Trustee de son tort.
就信託而言,明知受託人或受信人正違反責任而仍然協助該受託人或受信人違反其信託或受信責任:Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan [1995] 2 AC 378, 3 All ER 97, 3 WLR 64 (樞密院);Nanus Asia Co Inc & Anor v Standard Chartered Bank [1988] HKC 377 (高等法院)。協助人被稱為法律構定的信託人,但就其違反對信託或受信責任下的受益人造成的損失,協助人只須負個人責任作出賠償。另見 Constructive trust; Knowing receipt; Trustee de son tort。




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