

单词 Nearest relative
释义 至親
Refers to kinship and relationship by blood or marriage. A person is a near relative of another if that person is the wife or husband, a parent or child, a grandparent or grandchild, or a brother or sister of the other (whether of full blood or half-blood or by affinity), and ‘child’ includes an illegitimate child and the wife or husband of an illegitimate child: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480) s 2(4). Included in the concept of ‘family’ are near relatives, such as grandparents, since they often play a significant role in family life: Marckx v Belgium (1979) 2 EHRR 330. See also Affinity; Intestacy rules; Next of kin.
藉血緣或婚姻而形式的親屬關係或其他關係。凡某人是另一人的妻子或丈夫、父母或子女、祖父母或孫子女、外祖父母或外孫子女、兄弟或姊妹(不論是全血親、半血親或姻親),就本條例而言,前者即屬後者的近親;而「子女」包括非婚生子女,亦包括非婚生子女的妻子或丈夫:《性別歧視條例》(第480章)第2(4)條。在「家庭」觀念中包含的人即是近親,例如祖父母或外祖父母,因他們通常在家庭生活中扮演很重要的角色:Marckx v Belgium (1979) 2 EHRR 330。另見 Affinity; Intestacy rules; Next of kin。




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