

单词 Billable hours
释义 可算訟費時間
Those hours available to a legal practitioner to be occupied in the actual performance of work on behalf of a client. If no fee has been agreed or estimate given, a solicitor should tell his client how the fee will be calculated, for example, whether on the basis of an hourly rate plus any mark-up, a percentage of the value of the transaction or a combination of both, or any other proposed basis: Guide to Professional Conduct principle 4.03. On the taxation of a solicitor’s bill to his own client (except a bill to be paid out of funds provided by the Legislative Council pursuant to the Legal Aid Ordinance (Cap 91) s 27, or a bill with respect to non-contentious business) all costs shall be allowed except in so far as they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 r 29(1). In firms where time costing has been adopted as the method of charging, those members of the firm whose work can be directly billed to clients are commonly referred to as ‘fee earners’. Fee earners may be partners, assistant solicitors or non-qualified persons working under the supervision of partners. Upon every taxation of costs with respect to any contentious business, the taxing officer may, in determining the remuneration of the solicitor, have regard to the skill, labour and responsibility involved in the business done by him, the general complexity of the matter and the amount or value of the matter in issue: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) s 64(3)(b). See also Partner; Taxation of costs; Time costing.
可供法律執業者代表其當事人實際進行工作的時間。如事先沒有協議收費或沒有作出預算,則律師應該告知其當事人收費的計算方法,例如是否以時薪計算及另有附加費,以交易價值的百分比計算,或是以上兩種計算方式的組合,或藉任何其他建議的基準計算:《專業操守指引》第4.03原則。在就任何律師發給其當事人的訟費單作訟費評定時(但依據《法律援助條例》(第91章)第27條由立法會撥付的款項支付的訟費單,或任何關於非爭議事務的訟費單則除外),所有訟費均須准予,但如該等訟費的款額不合理或是不合理地招致的,則屬例外:參看《高等法院規則》(第4A章) 第62號命令第29 (1) 規則。如律師事務所採用時間計算作為收費方法,則該律師事務所的成員的工作可直接算入當事人的訟費單內,並通常稱為「賺取酬金者」。賺取酬金者可以是律師事務所的合夥人、助理律師或在合夥人監管下工作的沒有專業資格的人士。訟費評定人員在每宗就任何爭訟事務的訟費評定上,可在釐定律師的酬金時,顧及該律師作出的事務所涉及的技能、工作及責任,有關事宜的一般複雜程度,以及爭論中事宜的款額或價值:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第64(3)(b)條。另見 Partner; Taxation of costs; Time costing。




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