

单词 Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee
释义 雙語法例諮詢委員會
A committee established under the Official Languages Ordinance (Cap 5) which gives the Chief Executive in Council recommendations as to the sequence in which authentic texts of Ordinances should be declared, and performs such other functions as the Chief Executive in Council may from time to time direct, in relation to the publication of laws in the official languages: Official Languages Ordinance (Cap 5) s 4C(1). The members of the Committee includes a legal officer, a practising solicitor appointed after consultation with the president of the Law Society of Hong Kong, a practising barrister after consultation with the chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, and not less than two persons, not being public officers, who have appropriate language skills in the opinion of the Chief Executive: s 4C(3). Where an Ordinance has been enacted in one official language, the Chief Executive in Council may, by order in the Gazette made after consultation with the Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee, declare that the authentic text of that Ordinance in the other official language shall be as specified in the order: s 4B(1).
指根據《法定語文條例》(第5章) 設立的委員會,委員會就使用法定語文頒布法例事宜執行以下職務:在行政長官會同行政會議向其諮詢時,提出意見,所提意見可包括宣布條例真確本的先後次序;及不時由行政長官會同行政會議指示執行的其他職能:《法定語文條例》(第5章) 第 4C(1)條。委員會委員須包括律政人員一名、諮詢香港律師會主席後委出的執業律師一名、諮詢香港大律師公會主席後委出的執業大律師一名、及行政長官認為具有適當語文能力的非公職人員,人數不少於2名:第4C(3)條。凡某條例經以一種法定語文制定,行政長官會同行政會議諮詢雙語法例諮詢委員會後,可藉憲報命令宣布:該命令所指明的條例文本,即為該條例的另一種法定語文真確本:第4B(1)條。




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