

单词 Qui prior est tempore potior est jure
释义 在法律上先提出者的申索最有力
Lat – priority in time of creation gives the better equity. This maxim only has application where the merits are equal. If the merits are unequal (for example, conduct on the part of the owner of the earlier interest which led the other party to the assumption that the earlier interest did not exist) the maxim may be displaced, and the priority given to the later interest. In land law, incumbrances rank in order of time in accordance with the maxim ‘qui prior est tempore, potior est jure’: The Commercial Bank of Hong Kong Ltd v Wellstandard Textiles Co Ltd & Anor (HCMP 3785/91, unreported). See also Notice; Priority.

拉丁語 – 居前的設立時間給予更多公平。這句諺語只適用於是非曲直是均等的情形。如是非曲直不均等者(例如有較早權益的所有人其行為令另一方以為沒有較早權益),這諺語將被取代。就土地法而言,產權負擔根據「在法律上先提出者申索最有力」的諺語按時間排序:The Commercial Bank of Hong Kong Ltd v Wellstandard Textiles Co Ltd & Anor(高院雜項案件1991年第3785號,未經彙報)。另見 Notice; Priority。





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