

单词 Dealer
释义 交易商
Generally, a person who negotiates or arranges the purchase or sale of goods or commodities, often on behalf of another.
Auction - A person who purchases commodities from auctions with a view to reselling them for profit.
Corporations - 1. In relation to securities, subject to the exceptions specified, a person who makes or offers to make an agreement with another person, or induces or attempts to induce another person to enter into or to offer to enter into an agreement (a) for or with a view to acquiring, disposing of, subscribing for or underwriting securities; or (b) the purpose or pretended purpose of which is to secure a profit to any of the parties from the yield of securities or by reference to fluctuations in the value of securities, by the person: Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) s 5. Also known as ‘securities dealer’, ‘stock dealer’, ‘stockbroker’. 2. In relation to futures contracts, a person who makes or offers to make an agreement with another person to enter into, or to acquire or dispose of, a futures contract; (b) induces or attempts to induce another person to enter into, or to offer to enter into, a futures contract; or (c) induces or attempts to induce another person to acquire or dispose of a futures contract, by the person: Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) s 5. Also known as ‘futures broker’. See also Clearing house; Deal.
拍賣 -   從拍賣會中購買商品以轉售牟利的人。
法團 -   1. 就證券而言,指經營證券交易業務的人,不論他是否經營任何其他業務;交易商如屬法團,則包括該法團中任何積極參與或以任何形式直接負責監管該法團的證券交易業務的董事;但不包括:(a) 以交易商身份經營業務的律師或專業會計師,而其如此經營業務全屬其專業職業的附帶事情;(b)獲豁免交易商;(c)認可結算所;(d) 註冊融資人(受某些例外情形所限):《證券條例》(第333章)第2條。  2. 就商品期貨合約而言,指經營商品期貨合約的交易業務的人,或顯示自己正經營上述業務的人。《商品交易條例》(第250章)第2、26條。另見 Clearing house; Deal。n.




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